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Fabulous Farm Shops - Gloucester Services - Beeble Co

Fabulous Farm Shops - Gloucester Services

When I think of service stations, I think of junk-food, bathroom breaks and to be honest after 15 minutes I’m dying to get back in the car and get going. Well, it’s time to think again!

The first of it’s kind, Gloucester services is a motorway service station with a difference - it’s ALL about sustainability! On arrival you’ll notice that the building itself blends into the natural environment and looks as though it is built inside a rolling hill as grass covers the roof and sides.

Gloucester Services Farm Shop

Unlike other motorway service stations where you may find a forecourt packed with fast-food franchises and convenience stores, at Gloucester services you will find a fabulous farm shop stocking all the best British products (including Beeble Honey Whisky of course) alongside a best-in-class buffet style restaurant as well as delicious baked sweet treats and savoury pastries. And so much of the produce comes from the farms owned by the Westmorland Group that runs the service station.

Gloucester Services roots go all the way back to 1972 when John and Barbara Dunning opened up a small cafe serving home cooked, locally sourced food off the M6 known as Tebay Services. The M6 was a new motorway at the time and instead of viewing it as the death of their farm, they thought of it as the dawn of a new beginning and a development of how they could bring that farm ethos into a new type of business. 48 years on their innovation has led to multiple service stations including Gloucester services and what a site to behold they really are.

Gloucester Services Farm Shop

If you are brave enough to visit family this Corona-Christmas and are heading down the M5 towards Cornwall or even if you are headed northbound on the same route then a stop off at Gloucester services isn’t just for a toilet break, it’s the best spot to pick up all the freshest Great British produce too!

Written by Matt 

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