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Fabulous Farm Shops

Beekeeping course at East Court

A day of learning, laughing and sharing, our beekeeping course was a great success. For many of our students, it was ...

Fabulous Farm Shops - Felicity’s Farm Shop

Another edition in a series of blogs listing the UK's most fabulous, must visit farm shops. With staycations looking like a mainstay for this summer at least, Felicity's farm shop is a great place to visit for a luxury day out in Dorset, situated in the heart of the countryside. 

Fabulous Farm Shops - Burford Garden

If you ever find yourself in rural Oxfordshire then you’re probably not too far away from a small medieval settlement on the River Windrush called Burford. Situated in the heart of the Cotswold Hills; it’s one of the most beautiful towns in the country, certainly that I’ve ever been to.  

Fabulous Farm Shops - Gloucester Services

When I think of service stations, I think of junk-food, bathroom breaks and to be honest after 15 minutes I’m dying to get back in the car and get going. Well, it’s time to think again! The first of its kind, Gloucester Services is a motorway service station with a difference - it's all about sustainability!

Fabulous Farm Shops - Farmer Copleys

Situated just south of Leeds, Farmer Copleys has been called the Fortnum’s of farm shops by the Sunday Times. Inside the shop there is the most magnificent observational hive I have ever seen where I watched the bee traffic buzzing in and out for hours.

Fabulous Farm Shops - The Jolly Nice

When thinking of a start point for this series, we didn’t have to think for very long. The Jolly Nice was the first very first retailer to take a chance on us and stock our delicious honey whisky. So what better place for us to start our farm shop reviews than the place where it all began for us.
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